Tagged: #culturecryptomonday

The Best Christmas Gifts for Crypto Fans

What to get a crypto fan for Christmas? A Bored Ape NFT might be a bit too expensive – but there are a lot of great Christmas gifts that are quite affordable. We have some tips on how to please your favorite crypto-nerd!

Is Blockchain the Future of Art?

We have already talked a lot about NFTs and NFT artists in detail here (check out last week’s post about women in NFTs and some great art projects they did), so today we’ll take a more general stance and delve a little bit into the topic if blockchain is the future of art.

Setting Up a Crypto Wallet

The first step into the crypto world is through the so-called ‘’wallet,’’ which is in effect a virtual wallet. However, you don’t need to know about the intricacies of the crypto world to get started – in fact, setting up a crypto wallet is completely free and very simple. Depending on the currency you want, there are different providers you can get started with....

Cultural Utility in NFTs

Utility is one of many new terms we have learned through the metaverse and Web3. What can be translated directly as “benefit” or “usefulness” describes an added value to NFT collections in the metaverse. In this article, you will learn why exactly this is of great importance in the cultural sector.

NFTs: A Blessing or a Disaster for Digital Art?

NFTs are often created by digital artists, but they are not a new form of digital art. This is a common misconception when it comes to the non-fungible token. Digital art has been around for decades, and the possibility of digital technology as a source of material is nothing new to the art world. However the possibility to establish ownership, create scarcity and therefore...