Tagged: Art

Is Blockchain the Future of Art?

We have already talked a lot about NFTs and NFT artists in detail here (check out last week’s post about women in NFTs and some great art projects they did), so today we’ll take a more general stance and delve a little bit into the topic if blockchain is the future of art.

Artists on Social Media & Co.

Are artists on social media successfully marketing themselves and their art, and how do they do it? What platforms and online marketplaces are there? And what are the advantages and disadvantages of social media presence?

Cultural Utility in NFTs

Utility is one of many new terms we have learned through the metaverse and Web3. What can be translated directly as “benefit” or “usefulness” describes an added value to NFT collections in the metaverse. In this article, you will learn why exactly this is of great importance in the cultural sector.

The 4 Best European Cities for Tech-Savvy Cultural Lovers This Fall

Save the date(s)! With some national holidays and fall breaks coming up, you might want to escape your hometown for a little while to make use of the last golden fall days. To make the choice of destination easier for you, we have put together a list of European cities where you can find the hottest art exhibitions, tech and crypto events, and much...