Tagged: Nice

7 Best Places to Visit in March 2020

Springtime is approaching, and we are definitely looking forward to it, as it always brings great adventures! If you’re looking for some trip ideas for March, keep reading, we’re about to give you the list of our favorite destinations — the 7 best places to visit in March 2020.

Best European Road Trips

Best European Road Trips You Must Take – PART ONE

Don’t you just love a great road trip, where you get to explore both the nature and the extraordinary cities of the area that you’re exploring? If you’re looking for some road trip inspiration, keep reading – we bring you some of the best European road trips that you must take in your lifetime.

Visit the French Riviera

Visit the French Riviera – 7 Best Vacation Destinations

The French Riviera, or Cote d’Azur, might be the most beautiful part of France, known for its amazing scenery, wonderful culture and cuisine and charming little coastal towns. The area where the Alps meet the Mediterranean, with the best climate in the world, offers a lot of places for exploring and a lot of beaches for relaxing. Keep reading, we bring you the reasons...

Easter holiday destinations

Top 5 Easter Holiday Destinations

No matter if you’re looking for a new religious experience, or just for a nice getaway, Easter is a great time for travelling. It’s the time when, besides exploring your destination, you’ll get the opportunity to experience interesting traditional events and customs, and surely have fun. Here we bring you the top 5 Easter holiday destinations you’ll love.