8 Rainy Day Activities

In German, there is a saying: „April, April, der macht was er will“, which literally means that April does whatever it freaking pleases. Well this definitely describes April weather! While we are more than ready for warm and sunny spring days, April is not always as cooperative and likes to surprise us with rain, snow, blasting wind, and so on. So what are you supposed to do when rainy April weather crosses out your nicely laid out sunny weekend plans? To not let the bad weather blues get the best of you, we have gathered 8 activities that will lighten up your mood, even on a rainy day.

Pamper Yourself

We know that our first tip is pretty basic, but it’s still important one. It is always soothing for the soul to dedicate a full day to self-care and pampering yourself. Self-care looks different for every one of us, and it can range from taking a bubble bath, to giving yourself a pedicure, manicure or facial mask, to ordering your favorite soul food – the main thing is that you put yourself first and it makes you happy.

Self-care looks different to everyone

Be an Adult – Do Your Chores

If you feel like you are already at peace with yourself and are not in the mood for a thorough relaxation program (in case that’s even possible), you can seize the rainy day ahead of you as a perfect opportunity to get your life in order. Be honest, did you already do your taxes this year? If not, don’t you think now would be the perfect time to do them? You can also start to outline your next weeks and months and plan ahead. By the way, if you need some guidance on if and where to travel this year, stay tuned for next week’s blog post!

Another good tip is to get an overview of your friends and family’s upcoming birthdays, and already start thinking about possible gift ideas. Birthdays also seem to come too fast and kind of unexpected, so this way you can get organized and have the next birthday gifts ready in time.

Wouldn’t today be a good day to finally to your taxes?

Take a Walk in the Rain

Do you know the famous movie “Singing in the Rain?’’. If not, you should definitely check out the movie, or at least the scene where actor Gene Kelly is actually singing in the rain. Anyhow, if you are anxious that our next tip is going to be that you should sing or dance in the rain, no worries. If you feel like doing so, go ahead, but we are staying safe and sound here and just recommending taking a nice walk in the rain.

If this leads you to wonder why you should even bother going outside in this horrendous weather, let us quickly summarize the benefits for you: you will not only get your daily dose of oxygen, it can also be calming to see the raindrops fall and how the trees and plants come back to life. Moreover, the air is always so clear when it’s raining, so if you are one of those people suffering from a pollen allergy, walking outside in the rain will help you to breathe freely without any complaints.

What about going for a walk despite the rain?

Give Your Mind a Rest for a Day

If we still couldn’t convince you to go outside, you can also try to calm your spirits in the comfort of your own home – not only on a rainy day. We already gave you the tip to pamper yourself for your physical needs, but when was the last time you actually pampered your mind? Try to find activities that will help you to stay with you and your inner feelings. This can either be to actively deal with your emotions by meditating or journaling, or it can also mean immersing yourself in a task that will help you to fade out everything else. You could, for instance, immerse yourself into a page-turner, work on a puzzle, or even start sketching. Whatever you think your mind needs right now, go for it.

Try to calm your spirits and stay with your inner feelings.

Discover New Podcasts

Another activity which we very much enjoy, and not only on rainy days, is listening to podcasts. The benefits of podcasts are that you can listen to them wherever you are. They can either be a nice distraction while doing daily chores or household work, and can also be wonderful for relaxing in the bathtub or even helping you fall asleep at night. There are podcasts available for every topic you can think of, so if you need some inspiration on what to listen to, feel free to check out this compilation of podcasts you shouldn’t miss out on in 2021. On another note, we are also launching our own series of podcasts for our partners soon!

Hang out on Pinterest

In our opinion, the number one Social Media platform to get inspired when it comes to recipes, decoration, DYI, or interior design is definitely Pinterest. Do you already have a Pinterest profile? If not, why don’t you create one and start browsing through all the nice pins you find? You can organize and save your favorite ideas in boards and lose track of time while you browse through all this inspiring content. Need travel inspo? We are also on Pinterest now, so feel free to follow Cultural Places as well.

Find inspo on Pinterest!

Have an Indoor Picnic

In case you have kids and are looking for an entertaining way to spend a rainy weekend, how about having an indoor picnic? Search for a fluffy blanket, prepare some snacks, and eat on the floor for a different dining experience. You could also organize an indoor scavenger hunt, where you hide little notes with instructions on what to do or where to go next to find the next prize. In case you try out any of these activities, shoot us a message on Instagram or Facebook and let us know how it went!

What about an indoor picnic?

Experience Art Online

Museums might still be closed in your area due to ongoing lockdowns, but you would like to get to know a new museum anyway? Luckily, there are so many options right now to experience art from home, so we’ve gathered our favorite online museum offers for you.

For instance, you can now virtually visit the Guggenheim Museum located in New York City. They have a vast offer of online programs to choose from, and they even offer at-home art classes. Staying in the States, the National Gallery of Art in Washington, DC has also gone digital and now offers an online tour of their last exhibition ‘’Degas at the Opera’’, which was open for less than two weeks before the gallery had to close. You can also visit the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam from home now. You can either explore the artworks in their collection or watch 4K virtual tours on YouTube. Last but not least, don’t forget to virtually explore the Vienna Secession with our audio guide about the history and the background of the secessionist movement.

What about virtually visiting the famous Guggenheim museum?

Hopefully, you’ve got enough inspiration now on what do to with your free time until the sun comes out again. There can’t be a rainbow without little rain, so make the best out of rainy days. And also, keep in mind there is no such thing as bad weather, only improper clothing and the wrong mindset 😉.

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