Exploring Cultural Places

The Life with Corona-crisis: How to Start Exploring Cultural Places Again?

We’re slowly getting out of the corona-crisis, things are finally getting a bit more normal, and naturally, we can’t wait to start traveling like we used to. But more time will pass before we get to that stage again. Still, there are ways to enjoy fun cultural places, maybe they just haven’t crossed your mind. We’re here to help you and to give you some ideas on how to explore cultural places in your own country and start traveling again.

Take Road Trips

We know each country is full of interesting cultural places in all of its cities. Taking a road trip to a few of those cities is a fun way to explore your country that you take for granted so often. Figure out what cities might be the most interesting and make a plan for a road trip, or a few of them. Find out what are the most important cultural places around those cities that you have to see. Make a full plan for that trip. Hit the road and enjoy!

Explore cultural places - take roadtrips
Hitting the road is always a good idea

Explore Secluded Destinations

Social distancing is still a thing, so it’s a great idea to take a trip to a secluded location, that’s not too flooded with tourists. Also, it’s always nicer to have a place for yourself and to enjoy it in peace. That might be a small town that you’ve never thought of visiting or a distant place in nature. Whatever you choose you will enjoy it.

Explore the Nature in Your Surroundings

Natural sights might not be cultural places, but they’re always wonderful to explore. Nature is super relaxing and enjoyable, you have to love it! Find yourself some nice place where you can just relax and feel connected to nature. Bring some food and a ball and make it a picnic.

Explore cultural places - Explore nature
Nature is always wonderful to explore

Go Camping

If you’re used to natural surroundings, you must love camping. It’s a totally different experience to sleep under the stars. It’s a different kind of vacation, totally worth trying. If you’ve never done it before, be sure to research how to prepare well!

Go camping — it’s a totally different experience

Explore Your Hometown like a Tourist

You don’t even have to leave your hometown in order to enjoy cultural places and feel like a tourist. We wrote previously on this topic, so check out the following link to read more tips: “Staycation Tips: 7 Ways to Be a Tourist in Your Hometown”.

Enjoy a Meal in a Restaurant You’ve Never Visited Before

Whether it’s in your hometown, or anywhere around your country, it’s always nice to visit a restaurant that you’ve never been to before. Browse online to find a nice recommendation or just enter the first restaurant that seems interesting to you. It’s even better if you dare to try a meal you’ve never had before.

Explore cultural places - Visit new restaurants
Try new dishes in a restaurant that you’ve never visited before

Support Local Galleries and Artists

Support your local cultural places! Visit as many exhibitions as you can. You’ll have a lot of fun and you’ll support their work in these hard times we’re experiencing right now — it surely means a lot. Also, check what are some cool museums and galleries in the nearby cities that you should visit — those will be some new cultural places for you.

Explore cultural places - Visit galleries
Support your local galleries

Take Photos… a Lot of Them

Taking photos of different places can give you a different perspective on them. Also, it’s fun. So, make sure your phone or camera battery is fully charged whenever you’re exploring places around you. Share your photos with us on Instagram or Facebook, maybe you get featured 😊

Share Stories about Your Country

Just like you, other people are trying to find some new ways to explore cultural places. Social networks are ideal for looking for other people’s experiences and stories. So if you already took some pictures of those wonderful places that you’ve visited, write a nice caption, and share them on social media that you use (there are tons of Facebook groups dedicated to travel stories), let other people learn about wonderful places that you’ve seen.

Keep Exploring the World Digitally

This is something you can do at all times! Browse social media and different blogs and portals for interesting information about your favorite cultural places. Also, visit our Cultural Places platform and find cool digital tour guides that will take you virtually around different cities and tell you stories about interesting cultural places.

#HelpingWithCulturalPlaces: Enjoy Culture from Your Home & Donate
You can always enjoy Cultural Places online

There are definitely ways of how to introduce traveling and exploring into your routine again. It might not include flying to tropical destinations, or flying at all, but it can still be fun. You just have to find some different ways of exploring the world around you.

If you’re more into exploring the world digitally, check out our latest tour guide, and enjoy:


Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Vienna


This tour covers historical highlights, reveals fascinating stories, and takes you down a few cobblestone streets that most visitors never see.

Learn more

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