7 Best Cities to Celebrate New Year's Eve 2020 Berlin

7 Best Cities to Celebrate New Year’s Eve 2020

The holiday season is near, the New Year’s Eve is a month and a half away, and you should already have a plan for how to celebrate it, for sure. If you’re not among those who plan their winter holidays that much ahead, it might be a good idea to start planning right now. We have a few great ideas for you — the 7 best cities to celebrate New Year’s Eve 2020 and have a good time.

Before we start, be sure to check out our Cultural Places platform and discover the amazing tours that will help you explore your destinations at your own pace.

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Let’s make some awesome plans for New Year’s Eve celebrations…

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

If you’re looking for the best beach New Year’s Eve party just head to one of the most beautiful cities in Brazil, Rio de Janeiro. It’s summertime in South America, so you won’t be standing in the cold city square, but instead, you’ll be in your summer dress, or shorts, in the warm summer night, celebrating New Year’s Eve with some champagne and pretty impressive fireworks. Brazilians believe that wearing white on New Year’s Eve brings good luck, so feel free to join them in that tradition, but be aware of the fact that you might stain it with your drinks and sand.

South America - Rio de Janeiro

The View Over Rio de Janeiro

7 Best Cities to Celebrate New Year's Eve 2020 Rio de Janeiro

Rio de Janeiro — NYE Fireworks
(cc) PortoBay Experiences / CC BY-ND 2.0

Berlin, Germany

If you’re very much clubbing, Berlin might be the best choice for you. It’s the most “underground” city in Europe and one of the most interesting for young people — there are so many clubs, you can party all night, every night. Every year, Berlin makes one huge open-air party, located between Brandenburg Gate and Victory Column. It’s called the Party Mile, and it’s a 2 kilometer stretch of bars, tents, food stalls, and even music stages. You’ll meet more than a million people eating traditional German street food, drinking mulled wine and beer, and just being happy until 3 am.

7 Best Cities to Celebrate New Year's Eve 2020 Berlin

Holiday Season in Berlin
(cc) Oh-Berlin.com / CC BY 2.0

7 Best Cities to Celebrate New Year's Eve 2020 Berlin

Fireworks in Berlin

Are you planning to stay in Berlin for a few days? Check out our blog post about everything you need to know before visiting Berlin and explore this amazing city. Also, visit our Cultural Places platform and find the guided tour through Berlin so you can easily explore it at your own pace.

Athens, Greece

As we already mentioned it in our blog about 5 best places to visit in December, Athens is a great destination to explore off-season, when the number of tourists staying there is significantly lower. Athens is an amazing European city that shows that Greeks really know how to enjoy their lives to its fullest, especially during the holiday season.

If you’re into amazing fireworks, we highly recommend you climb to the top of Lycabettus Hill where you’ll get the spectacular view of the city and the Acropolis, being backlit with the amazing fireworks. Also, if you’re into partying, don’t worry, there are plenty of opportunities to do so — there are quite a few bars and clubs where you can party all night, or you can go to Syntagma square to attend an open-air New Year’s Eve party.

Ultimate Must-see Places in Athens

The View of Athens

7 Best Cities to Celebrate New Year's Eve 2020 Athens

Fireworks over Acropolis
(cc) Αγγελίδης Γρηγόριος / CC BY-SA 4.0

Wondering what are the top sights to see in Athens? Visit one of our previous blog posts, “Ultimate Must-see Places in Athens You Cannot Miss“, and you will learn a little about the best things that you can see in this magical city. Also, make sure you visit our Cultural Places platform and find our extraordinary audio guides through Athens.

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Sydney, Australia

If you want to be among the first people to greet the New Year, Sydney is your destination. It’s one of the best places in the world to celebrate New Year’s Eve, and the fact that it’s the first city to greet it is just one of the reasons. On New Year’s Eve, Sydney’s waterfront looks spectacular! Starting already at 9 pm you can see one of the biggest lights and fireworks display in the world, with another following it at midnight. It’s really a once-in-a-lifetime experience, and one of the best New Year’s Eve parties in the world.

7 Best Cities to Celebrate New Year's Eve 2020 Sydney

Amazing Sydney

7 Best Cities to Celebrate New Year's Eve 2020 Sydney

Fireworks in Sidney

New York, USA

New York is one of the best places on Earth for the New Year’s celebration. It’s so spectacular, it will take your breath away. Visit Times Square and you’ll enjoy some world-class performers, amazing neon lights, and the famous Ball Drop event — a ball that is dropped from a flagpole on the top of a building on Times Square. If you want a unique experience, hire a boat ride on New York Harbor so you can enjoy the best view of astonishing fireworks.

7 Best Cities to Celebrate New Year's Eve 2020 New York

Lights of New York

7 Best Cities to Celebrate New Year's Eve 2020 New York

New Year’s Eve in New York

7 Best Cities to Celebrate New Year's Eve 2020 New York

New Year’s Eve Celebration on Times Square, NYC
(cc) CherryPoint / CC BY 2.0

Edinburgh, Scotland

If you think that one night of celebrating the New Year’s is simply not enough, visit Edinburgh — they celebrate it for three days over there. The New Year’s celebration is actually a festival called Hogmanay, which starts on December 30, and ends on January 1. There is an amazing party on the streets of Edinburgh, and parties in the authentic pubs all over the city, all accompanied by big names at the Concert in the Gardens. There are also a few adventurous experiences, such as a dive into the freezing chills of the River Forth. Would you dare? 😊

7 Best Cities to Celebrate New Year's Eve 2020 Edinburgh

Winter in Edinburgh

7 Best Cities to Celebrate New Year's Eve 2020 Edinburgh

New Year’s Eve Celebration in Edinburgh
(cc) Gyula Péter / CC BY 3.0

Vienna, Austria

People say that if you don’t know what to do for New Year’s Eve, just go to Vienna. Vienna is all about the New Year’s Eve, or Silvester, how it’s called in Austria. There are so many New Year’s markets on the squares all over the city where you will try traditional food street food (including yummy sausages), beer, and mulled wine. There are various art performances all over the city center, starting on December 31 already at 2 pm, and ending at 2 am the next day. At the very midnight the giant Pummerin bell of Vienna’s St Stephen’s cathedral rings, as the sign that we entered into the New Year. The bell is followed with spectacular fireworks that will take your breath away.

7 Best Cities to Celebrate New Year's Eve 2020 Vienna

Holidays in Vienna

7 Best Cities to Celebrate New Year's Eve 2020 Vienna

Holidays in Vienna

We know reading is not enough to get to know a city like Vienna is, that’s why we prepared several tours around this magical city, that are available on our Cultural Places platform. Be sure to check out our previous blog “Best Historic Things to Do in Vienna 2019” to learn about those amazing tours.

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We hope that you did get some cool ideas for New Year’s Eve 2020 celebration. Whatever destinations you choose, we wish you to have the best time ever and to enter the New Year with happiness and amazing fireworks.

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